Wednesday, November 13, 2013

We said goodbye to Daytona Beach, Florida on Monday 11/11/13 and headed south to the Titusville Municipal Marina. Lesson we learned on this leg of our trip:  Stick to ' the ditch' don't wonder outside the narrow line or you will touch bottom. 

Our original plan was to spend just a couple of days in Titusville visiting with our friends Brenda & Jim. But as they say boat plans are not set in stone!

As predicted at 4:30 am this morning, 11/13/13, we began to experience strong N-NE winds. The forecast called for gale force winds off the coast and the ICW. Many times the weather predictions have been wrong but not this time. At 5:30 am we were on deck adding an additional line. At the first daylight Russ managed to get onto the dock to tighten our lines and yes add additional lines. At this particular marina the finger docks are low so we are have to exit from the upper deck onto a 3-tier portable step, then onto the dock. With winds 30 mph this can be tricky. 

Throughout the day we have watched as people have scurried to secure their boats and their neighbor’s boats. Earlier this morning two boats broke anchor outside the marina and landed on the shore. 

Thanking God for a safe harbor to ride out this storm.

The weather is forecasted to continue howling until 10:00 pm this evening. It looks like our 1st chance to leave will probably be Saturday.

We have enjoyed our time here in Titusville and had a great time visiting with Brenda & Jim. They are some great people and we will miss them once we get underway. 

The highlight of the Titusville Municipal Marina is the Manatees. There are dozens of them and they are not shy. I was washing down the deck on the boat & as the water ran off the Manatees appeared & began drinking the water. They would playfully push each other out of the way in an attempt to get under the falling water. Manatees are protected in Florida so you are not allowed to interact with them. So to see them so close was a real treat. This was the first time I wished the deck washing would have taken longer…LOL.

To all our friends making the crossing from the panhandle to the SW coast of Florida safe travels and we hope to see you some of you soon. 

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